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Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Capital Nephrology Medical Group is committed to the health and safety of our patients, visitors, and employees.
You may be wondering about the steps we’ve taken to prepare to re-open so we thought we would share this information with you and your family.
When scheduling appointments all patients will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 with the following questions:
- Have you ever tested positive for COVID-19?
- Are you currently under mandatory isolation?
- Are you currently experiencing, or have experienced in the last three weeks, signs of acute respiratory illness such as coughing, fever, and shortness of breath?
- Have you had close contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 or with symptoms? If you answer yes to any of the questions your Nephrologist will be notified on how to proceed. We are still offering Telehealth visits.
The morning of your appointment a Medical Assistant will call you to go over the following with you.
- Weight
- Blood Pressure
- Review current list of Medication you are taking
- If you have a co-pay with your insurance company, you will receive another call from a team member in our billing department to collect if you are able to pay
- All patients must wear a mask to their appointment
What to expect when you arrive to the office
- Please call the office and let them know you are in the parking lot. You will be asked to wait in your car until the doctor is ready to see you if possible. Please no guest unless caregiver or translator.
- Staff will greet you wearing a mask and gloves.
- When you enter the office your temperature will be taken and you will be asked the COVID-19 screening questions.
- The Medical Assistant will take you to the exam room and the physician will see you. When your visit is completed the Medical Assistant will come back to the exam room to check you out.
Additional Safety Protocols CNMG is taking:
- Surface cleaning and disinfecting after each patient.
- Maintaining social distancing by having those who can wait in their car and limited seating in waiting room area.
- All doors to remain open
- Providers schedule have been modified to reduce overcrowding.
- Continue to use Telehealth as appropriate
We hope that you find this information helpful and please feel free to contact us if you have any concern or questions about your safety.